The 3 Simple Steps to Protect Pavement Temperature Changes

Other than the massive amount of force from vehicles, changes in the temperature cause serious structural damage to the pavement. Whenever the temperature swings, it forces the pavement to expand and contract, which leads to cracks. And if these cracks are not repaired immediately, they expand quickly.

Cracked pavement not only looks bad and spoils the overall appearance of the property, but also increases safety hazards for both drivers and pedestrians. Sometimes, the hazards are severe that leads to accidents and injuries.

The impact of temperature change on the pavement is a serious issue so you should take steps to prevent it and protect your property. But before that, you should know the reaction of the pavement to temperature changes so that it’s easy for you to define the plans.

Impact of the summer season on pavement 

With constant exposure to the sun’s heat, the pavement expands until cracks or develops patterns of crack. When the crack occurs, water seeps into the pavement and collects underneath the surface. And thus, the foundation erodes.

Impact of the winter season on pavement 

Unlike summer, precipitation in the winter season is a greater threat. In the summer season, the water eventually evaporates and protects the pavement to an extent. But in the winter season, water expands as it freezes and widens the crack. It means the cracks become larger and difficult to repair.

Water collected during the summer season freeze during the winter and significantly compounds the damage.

Steps to protect the pavement from changes in temperatures 

Do it right the first time – The longevity of the pavement depends on how it is installed. You should make sure good quality materials are used and the mixture for the pavement is prepared properly. Also, you should try preventing moisture under the pavement while installing. Pavement lying is done strategically so you should work with a reputable paving contractor in Leicester. There shouldn’t be any option for rework.

Routine inspection is a must – It’s always good to identify the areas of concern before they grow into bigger problems. You should know about the cracks and other damages beforehand so that you can repair them on time. And for this, you should prefer regular inspection of the pavement by professionals.

Preventive maintenance is the key-It’s very difficult to avoid pavement damage, especially due to temperature changes. So, you should take preventive measures. As soon as you spot cracks on the pavement, either major or minor, you should seal them and apply appropriate surface coatings. It will need small investments but add life to your pavement.

Pavement is installed using different materials, especially asphalt and concrete. So, you should be very careful while dealing with temperature changes and taking steps for prevention. You should work with a certified paving contractor for better results.