What’s the Difference between Tarmac Resurfacing and Replacement?

When it comes to revitalizing worn-out or damaged tarmac surfaces in Leicester, property owners are often faced with the decision between resurfacing and replacement. The best part is that both options have multiple benefits.

In this blog, we will explore the key differences between tarmac resurfacing and replacement and help you make an informed decision.

Tarmac Resurface in Leicester

The process of applying a new layer of tarmac on the existing surface is known as tarmac resurfacing. In case of minor cracks, potholes or surface wear, tarmac resurfacing is recommended. The benefits are:

Cost-Effective: As resurfacing doesn’t require extensive excavation and disposal of the existing tarmac, the method is cost-effective. On the other hand, complete replacement requires excavation and disposal.

Time-Saving: Resurfacing projects are typically completed more quickly than full replacements. The reduced construction time minimizes disruption and allows for faster use of the tarmac surface.

Retain Existing Base: Resurfacing preserves the existing base layers that are still in good condition. This helps maintain the structural integrity of the surface while addressing surface-level issues.

Improved Appearance: Resurfacing provides a fresh, smooth, and uniform appearance to the tarmac surface, enhancing the aesthetics of the area.

Enhance Durability: The new layer of tarmac adds an extra protective coating, increasing the surface’s durability and resistance to future wear and tear.

Tarmac Replacement in Leicester

Tarmac replacement involves the complete removal of the existing surface and base layers, followed by the installation of a brand-new tarmac surface. This approach is necessary when the existing tarmac is severely damaged, has extensive structural issues, or has reached the end of its lifespan. The benefits are:

Addressing Underlying Problems: Complete replacement allows for a thorough examination of the underlying base layers. It provides an opportunity to identify and address any hidden issues, such as poor drainage, inadequate compaction, or unstable sub-base.

Long-Term Solution: Replacement offers a long-term solution by providing a completely new tarmac surface with enhanced durability and longevity. This is especially beneficial for surfaces that have significant damage or structural deficiencies.

Design Flexibility: Tarmac replacement allows for modifications to the design, layout, or dimensions of the surface. It offers the flexibility to incorporate additional features like speed bumps, parking bays, or improved access points.

Improved Drainage: Replacement enables the installation of an improved drainage system, preventing water accumulation and prolonging the lifespan of the tarmac surface.

Tarmac Resurface vs. Replacement: What should you choose?

When deciding between tarmac resurfacing and replacement, consider the following factors:

The Extent of Damage: Assess the severity of the existing surface damage. Minor cracks and surface wear are typically suitable for resurfacing, while extensive structural damage may require replacement.

Budget: Evaluate your budget and the resources available for the project. Resurfacing generally offers a more cost-effective option, but replacement may be necessary for surfaces with significant issues.

Long-Term Goals: Consider your long-term goals for the tarmac surface. If you anticipate heavy usage or want a long-lasting solution, replacement may be the better choice. Resurfacing is a viable option for those seeking a more immediate improvement in appearance and functionality.

Expert Opinion: Consult with a professional tarmac contractor who can assess the condition of the surface and provide recommendations based on their expertise and experience.

The choice between tarmac resurfacing and replacement depends on the extent of damage, budget constraints, long-term goals, and expert advice. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and ensures a long-lasting and functional tarmac surface.